Jiumu Biotechnology
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Where is the waste of organic fertilizer fermentation tanks turning waste into treasure?

Time:2020-12-10 Click:1750

In recent years, the country has been advocating for green, environmentally friendly, and sustainable development. What are the manifestations in agriculture?

? In the first decade or so, farmers usually used chemical fertilizers to increase yields. However, excessive use of chemical fertilizers can damage soil structure, cause soil compaction, and lead to a decrease in crop yields So now the country vigorously promotes the use of organic fertilizer, which is closely related to our farmer friends. Previously, our farmer friends used to compost in the field, which could produce organic fertilizer. However, the method is not scientific. The compost in the field would emit odor into the atmosphere, and the leachate would seep into the soil. Although the fertilizer was present, it polluted the environment. The organic fertilizer fermentation tank helped farmers solve the problem of organic fertilizer fermentation. Firstly, the organic fertilizer fermentation tank is fully enclosed, and the odor has a special deodorization system. Firstly, the odor will pass through the spraying system, which will atomize water molecules to small molecular droplets with a diameter less than 0.04mm. The surface area of the droplets is It is very large, so it has a large surface adsorption energy. Through these water mist molecules, the three-dimensional structure of the molecules in the odor is changed to form adsorption, weakening the stability of the odor molecules, and making the odor better decomposed. By using high-intensity ultraviolet light irradiation, the oxygen in the air is transformed into ozone, which generates oxygen free radicals and oxygen. It is a stronger oxidant and, together with organic waste gases such as amines, sulfur, and hydrogen acids, completely oxidizes into water Carbon dioxide and other inorganic substances are discharged into the atmosphere through pipelines to meet the emission standards. During the fermentation period, feces are also fully fermented in the fermentation tank. The aeration holes at the bottom of the fermentation tank are evenly aerated, ventilated and heated to form a suitable temperature and humidity for fermentation in the tank. Traditional fermentation has a long fermentation cycle and incomplete fermentation due to the lack of precise control over temperature, humidity, and oxygen content. These problems will not occur in the aerobic fermentation tank. Uniform aeration, constant temperature, and regular stirring form an ecological system in the tank. The bottom layer is the bacterial bed layer, the upper fermentation layer, and then the fresh manure layer. Continuous bottom aeration takes away a lot of water from the fresh manure layer. When the fresh manure layer enters the fermentation layer, the bottom layer takes away a lot of water. The mycelium continuously ferments the manure, so that insoluble macromolecular organic matter first adheres to the outside of the microorganisms. The extracellular enzymes secreted by the microorganisms decompose it into soluble small molecule substances, which are then sent into microbial cells for utilization. However, the morphology of the pile substrate is complex, and only by decomposing into simple forms can it be utilized by microorganisms For example, the process of protein decomposition is: protein peptone peptide amino acid ammonification bacterial protoplast, nitrogen or ammonia. The process of carbohydrate decomposition is: carbohydrates monosaccharides organic acids carbon dioxide bacterial protoplast Through the synthesis and decomposition process of microbial life activities, a portion of absorbed organic matter is oxidized into simple inorganic substances, providing the energy required for life activities; Simultaneously converting another portion of organic matter into new cellular substances to promote microbial proliferation. When the decomposition rate slowly decreases and the heat released gradually decreases, the stack temperature also gradually decreases. After this process, the manure is converted into organic fertilizer, and the wastewater and exhaust gas are discharged reasonably. The waste in the hands of farmers becomes treasure